Track Process Creation and Exit Time Using Process Monitor

Summary: This post tells you how to track process creation and exit events using the Process Monitor utility.

My previous post, List Running Processes, helps you track down currently running processes. And the article Command Prompt Opens and Closes immediately tells you if a last run program window was a scheduled task or not.Read more

Windows 10 Pictures Library Arrange by Month Missing?

Pictures library allows you organize your images in a variety of ways such as arrange by month, folder, day, rating and tag, and sort or group pictures as you’d like. You may be wondering if the option to arrange photos by month is removed in Windows 10, as the Arrange command is not shown anywhere in the ribbon or toolbar area. This post tells you how to arrange pictures by month, or the way you need.Read more

Take Screenshot in Windows 10 Using Different Ways

In any version of Windows, the PrintScreen key captures the screen to the clipboard, which can then be pasted in Paint or any image editor and saved to a file. However, Windows 8 and Windows 10 save you that additional step, making it very easy to capture your screen and saving to a file in a single keystroke. This article discusses various methods to take screenshots in Windows.Read more