How to Make UAC Always ask for Password on Admin Accounts

UAC asks for password even if logged in as an administrator

When you’re login to an admin account and initiate an action that requires administrative rights (elevation of privilege), the UAC will ask for consent (instead of the username and password.) You select either Yes (“Permit”) or No (“Deny”) in the consent dialog. This operation will happen on the secure desktop. However, Windows binaries will be allowed to perform an operation that requires elevation without consent or credentials. This is the default behavior for admin-approval mode in Windows.Read more

Tzsync.exe Error: Unhandled Exception (System.IO.IOException)

tzsync.exe unhandled exception

When you sync the time zone information using the built-in Tzsync.exe tool, an “Unhandled Exception” error occurs. Application: tzsync.exe Unhandled Exception: System.IO.IOException: The specified registry key does not exist. at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetValueKind(String name) at TimeZoneSyncTask.DynamicDstTransform.GetDynamicDstRange(RegistryKey rkTimeZoneRoot, Dictionary`2 mapWinTzToTzid) at TimeZoneSyncTask.TimeZoneSync.Sync() at TimeZoneSyncTask.Program.Main(String[] args) And the following error shows up on the … Read more

Get the Install Date/Time of Store Apps in Windows 10

get appx installation date timestamp

The Apps & Features page in Windows 10 shows you the installation date (without the time) for each UWP app. In Windows 10, this information is stored in the registry.

get appx installation date timestamp

Unfortunately, PowerShell’s Get-AppxPackage cmdlet doesn’t display the installation timestamp data. But you can get the list of app packages and the corresponding install date and time using a script discussed in this post.Read more