When you use Disk Cleanup or manually attempt to clear the %temp% folder of your user profile, the “NLTmpMnt” subfolder in your Temp folder can’t be deleted. You get the following error when deleting the folder:Read more
How to Find if KB5034441 has been installed on your PC
The WinRE security update KB5034441 fixes a BitLocker vulnerability in WinRE. After resizing the recovery partition, the KB5034441 update installs quickly. You wonder if the KB5034441 update has been installed or not. It may not appear in the Windows Update history on some systems, or the old entries may have been purged.Read more
How to Install a Store App package for all users
When you install a Store app package by double-clicking on the package or by running the Add-AppxPackage cmdlet in PowerShell, the package is installed for the current user only.
This article tells you how to install or provision a Store app package for all user accounts that exist on the computer and for future user accounts.Read more
Fix: Wireless Display Optional Feature Fails to Install
Wireless Display is a feature-on-demand (FOD) package that adds the Connect application. This application allows other devices to wirelessly project to this computer and requires Miracast-capable hardware.
When you install the Wireless Display FOD package via Optional Features in Settings, it may not install successfully. Some of the common errors you may encounter are 0x80070490 and 0x800f0950.
[Fix] DISM StartComponentCleanup Stops at 20%
When you run a component store cleanup using DISM.exe’s /startcomponentcleanup
parameter, the command doesn’t finish correctly. The output shows that the process has stopped at 20%, but the message says, “The operation completed successfully.”Read more
How to Install Windows Sandbox in Windows 10 and 11
This article explains how to uninstall and reinstall Windows Sandbox in Windows 10 and 11.
Windows Sandbox provides a lightweight desktop environment to safely run applications in isolation. Software installed inside the Windows Sandbox environment remains “sandboxed” and runs separately from the host machine.Read more
How to Clean Up the Component Store (WinSxS folder)
The Component Store or the WinSxS folder, located under the Windows folder, is used to support the functions needed to customize and update Windows.