How to Delete Older Versions of Device Drivers in Windows?

delete old driver package disk cleanup

When you update the device drivers in your system via Windows Update or other sources, Windows still keeps a copy of your older versions of device driver packages. If your system is running fine with the latest drivers and don’t need to rollback the drivers, you can save some disk space by clearing the older, unused driver packages.Read more

How to Run Programs as TrustedInstaller to Write to Certain Registry Keys or Files


Even when running programs elevated (Administrator), certain registry keys and files are not writable. This may be because the files are owned by TrustedInstaller, and no write access granted for Administrators. In that case, running the program as TrustedInstaller can help fix a locked registry key or clear a file that can’t be accessed anyway.

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How to Always Start Google Chrome in Incognito Mode by Default

start chrome in incognito mode

Google Chrome’s Incognito mode lets you browse the web privately, without leaving traces of your browsing history on the local computer. You can launch Chrome’s incognito mode from an existing Chrome window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + N.

This article tells you how to (always) start Google Chrome in incognito mode by default, when double-clicking an URL file or clicking on a hyperlink in your email.Read more