Windows Installer Service Missing; Error “The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed”

windows installer service error windows 11

When you try to install a program that uses Windows Installer on a Windows computer, you may receive the following error.

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.

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Fix for Windows Security Center Service Error 1075

Here is a question from one of our readers: When I access the Security Center on my computer, it says The Security Center is currently unavailable because the “Security Center” service has not started or was stopped. I ran the Services.msc command from Start – Run. but I can’t get the service started. I got the following error:Read more

Error: System Information cannot open this NFO file

.nfo file system information utility error

.nfo (also written .NFO or NFO, a contraction of “info”, or “information”) is a commonly used three-letter filename extension for text files that accompany various digital scene releases with information about them. NFO files are used to deliver release information about the media, such as the digital media title, authorship, year, or license information. This … Read more

How to Fix Outlook Hyperlink Restrictions Error

outlook hyperlink error

When you click a hyperlink in Microsoft Outlook or other Office applications, you may receive one of the following errors, depending upon the version of Office installed. Your organization’s policies are preventing us from completing this action for you. For more info, please contact your help desk. This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions … Read more

[Fix] There is no script engine for file extension .JS – Error

When you attempt to run a .js (JScript Script File) file, one of the following errors may occur: Can’t find script engine “JScript” for script “filename.js”. There is no script engine for file extension “.js”. RELATED: [Fix] Can’t find Script Engine Vbscript, and “no script engine for .vbs” [Fix] There is no script engine for … Read more

Print Spooler Error 1068 “The dependency service or group failed to start”

spooler 1068 dependency

When you attempt to start the Print Spooler service (via services.msc), one of the following error messages may appear, and the Print Spooler service fails to start:

Could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer.
Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.

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