Preserve the order of Internet Explorer Favorites when transferring to another PC

The Favorites menu in Internet Explorer lets you arrange the shortcuts by dragging each shortcut to your preferred location within the Favorites menu. If you use the Import/Export Wizard in Internet Explorer or manually copy the URL favorites to another system, the favorites order is not copied to the target system. This is because Internet Explorer stores the sort order in the registry, and the Import/Export Wizard does not reference the sort order registry key.Read more

How to Email File Paths via the Send To menu

email file path context menu

Let’s assume you’re working in the training department of a firm and need to send training materials to recruits regularly. The usual way is to right-click on the file, click Send To, and click Mail Recipient. This attaches the file to the compose window in your mail client.

How about saving bandwidth on your local network by sending the target path of documents (in a network share) instead of attaching them to mail?Read more

How to run .BAT files invisibly, without displaying the Command Prompt window

run batch file hidden or invisible mode

Batch files (.BAT) and Windows NT Command Script (.CMD) files run in console window when double-clicked. This means that the Command Prompt window will be visible until the .BAT or .CMD file execution is complete.

To make .BAT or .CMD file execution less intrusive, you can configure it to run minimized. Or if the .BAT or .CMD file does not require user input during run time, you can launch it in invisible mode using a Script.

The built-in Task Scheduler in Windows is capable of launching programs in hidden mode. If you don’t want to proceed via the Task Scheduler route, check out the options discussed in this article.Read more

Fix for RICHTX32.OCX Component Error when running a Program

richtx32.ocx error

When you run an application built using (classic) Visual Basic 6.0, the following error message may occur, and the program terminates.

Component 'RICHTX32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.


Failed to load control 'RichTextBox' from RICHTX32.OCX

This happens if the program uses Rich TextBox ActiveX Control (RichTx32.ocx), but does not include the ActiveX file in the setup package. This runtime is not included in Windows and is supposed to be distributed along with the program. And, RichTx32.ocx ActiveX Control is not included in VB6 run-time distribution package from Microsoft either.Read more

How to configure Services MMC Snap-In to open in Standard view by default

The Services MMC Snap-In has two views namely Standard and Extended. The Extended view provides information about the selected service in the left side of the details pane. Also, it includes links for starting, stopping, or pausing the selected service. If you have a small monitor and need more screen real estate, you can configure the Services MMC to open in Standard view by default.Read more