When you right-click on a shortcut (.lnk file), the option Open file location may be missing from the right-click menu. This happens if the IsShortcut registry value for .lnk files (Shortcuts) is deleted in an attempt to hide the overlay icon in shortcuts.Read more
Fix Send Page by E-Mail Option Grayed Out in Internet Explorer
When you try to send a webpage or link by email via the File – Send menu in Internet Explorer, the options Page by E-Mail… and Link by E-Mail… may be dimmed/grayed out. This happens if a default mail client is not correctly set. Use the instructions below to reset the default mail client.Read more
How to Open Elevated or Admin Command Prompt in Windows?
Command Prompt is one of the most used tools in Windows. For tasks requiring administrator privileges, we need to start Command Prompt as administrator (“elevated”). This article describes different ways to open an elevated or administrator Command Prompt window.Read more
How to Remove or Modify the Shortcut Overlay in Windows
This article describes how to remove or modify the overlay (arrow icon) shown for Shortcuts in Windows.Read more
How to Clear Customize Notifications (Taskbar Corner Overflow) Icons
Over time, many invalid or obsolete taskbar notification icons may appear on the “Customize notifications” or the “Select which icons appear on the Taskbar” page with duplicate, invalid or missing icons.Read more
User Shell Folders Appear With Generic Yellow Icon in Windows
When you open Explorer, the shell folders such as Documents, Videos, Music, or Pictures may be displayed with a standard folder icon rather than the special folder icons. This behavior can occur when the desktop.ini file in the shell folder is missing or incorrect, or the folder has lost its read-only attribute.Read more
PreviewConfig tool registers file types for the Preview Pane in Windows 7/Vista
Windows Vista introduces the Preview pane in Explorer, which shows the contents of the currently chosen file. You can also play multimedia files from the Preview pane, without opening Windows Media Player. This article explains how to use the PreviewConfig utility to register a custom file type for the Preview pane in Windows Vista and Windows 7.Read more
Create an Internet Shortcut Using Batch File
Q: Is there a way to create a batch file which would put a desktop icon onto the desktop which invokes an HTML page in a web browser and change the associated icon for that particular desktop item, all in one batch file? Thanks A: Yes. This is possible. Here are some examples: echo [InternetShortcut] … Read more