Purchased Windows Pro Upgrade but it Installed Enterprise Edition

pro upgrade-installed enterprise - error 0xc004c003

When you upgrade your Windows 10 or 11 Home Edition to Professional Edition by purchasing the Pro upgrade for 99$ from the Microsoft Store, it may install the Enterprise Edition on systems. You wonder why the upgrade procedure installed the wrong edition (i.e., Enterprise) and how to switch to the Pro edition.Read more

Fix: Can’t Install Appx, AppxBundle, and Msixbundle Files in Windows

appx, appxbundle, msixinstaller don't run

The file types .Appx, .AppxBundle, and .Msixbundle are app installer or setup packages. On a default Windows 10 or 11 installation, you can double-click these file types to run them. But, if the App Installer (a.k.a, “Desktop Installer”) Store app is removed from the system, the .Appx, .AppxBundle, and .Msixbundle files don’t run when double-clicked.Read more

File System Error (-2147219196) in Photos or Other Store Apps

With the Photos app set as the default in your Windows 10/11 computer, when you double-click on a JPG, PNG, or any other image file, the error -2147219196 may occur, and the app may crash. Here is the full error message verbatim:

File System Error -2147219196

photos app file system error 2147219196

And, repairing or resetting the app via “Apps and Features” may not help. This issue may occur especially after installing a Cumulative Update; some users reported this incident after installing the July KB4345421 (17134.167) Cumulative Update.Read more