When you attempt to start the Windows Update service via Services MMC or command-line, the following error may occur:
Windows could not start the Windows Update service on Local Computer. Error 1058: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
The above error may occur even though the Windows Update service is set to Automatic or Manual start.
The Windows Update service (wuauserv) error 1058 occurs if a background app or service repeatedly turns off the Windows Update service.
This is usually caused by the program “StopUpdates10,” “NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop,” or a similar app installed on the computer. These programs disable Windows Update by turning off Windows Update, BITS, Delivery Optimization, and WaasMedicSvc services.
First, uninstall “StopUpdates10,” “NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop,” or similar programs installed on the computer.
If the above programs are not installed on the computer and the problem is still seen, please clean boot Windows to test. Clean booting is the process of turning off third-party startup programs and services (using msconfig.exe) and restarting Windows.
- Launch msconfig.exe, and select the “Services” tab.
- Enable “Hide all Microsoft services”. The list will now show only the third-party services.
- Click Disable all.
- Restart Windows.
- Launch the Services MMC, and re-enable Windows Update (set it to “Manual”)
See if you’re able to start the Windows Update service now.
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