When you open a .zip file and run an enclosed file without extracting the contents to a folder, the following error may appear:
Compressed (zipped) Folder Error Windows cannot complete the extraction. The destination file could not be created.
Incorrect permission entries assigned for a user account can prevent programs from accessing the file or folder. Or it may cause unauthorized users to have full access to the objects. In some cases, there may be a reference to obsolete user accounts (or SIDs) in the ACL (permissions list) that you want to clean up.
Have you modified the NTFS permissions for a file or folder wrongly, and want to revert to default (inherited ACLs)?
This article tells you how to replace the file or folder permissions with default inherited permissions quickly using the icacls.exe command-line. The information applies to all versions of Windows, from Windows Vista through Windows 10.
If you’re wondering why standard users can’t print (and only administrators can) especially after relocating your TEMP
folder on your Windows computer, this article has the explanation and a fix.
Every file or folder in an NTFS volume has an owner. Certain system files are owned by TrustedInstaller, some by SYSTEM account, and others by the “Administrators” group. If a user creates a file or folder, that user is usually the owner of the file or folder. The owner is the one who can assign permissions (Allow or Deny) to other users for that object.Read more