How to Check if a Windows Update (KB) is Installed on your Computer?

The Windows Update channel delivers all necessary updates suitable for your system. Most of the time, manual intervention is not required for installing updates. In some cases, especially during manual installation of an update using standalone installer, you may need to first check if a specific update (a prerequisite update) is installed on your system.

This article explains how to check if a specific Windows Update (KBnnnnnn) is installed in your computer or not.

How to Check if a Windows Update (KB) is Installed on your Computer

There are at least seven different methods to determine if an update is installed in the system.

Method 1: Check the Windows Update history

The modern Settings app has an option to view Windows update history. Here’s how to view it.

  1. Open Settings and click Update & Security
  2. Click View update history. The update history page shows the list of updates installed on your computer.
  3. Scroll through the list and find the specific update (KBnnnnnn) you’re looking for.
    Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed

Editor’s note: The update history page may fail to show some updates. In my computer, the update the Servicing Stack Update (SSU) KB4470788 was not listed in the update history page even though the update was installed a few months back.

Method 2: View installed updates in Programs and Features Control Panel

Using the “Programs and Features” applet in the Control Panel, you can find the list of installed updates.

  1. Right-click Start, click Run.
  2. Type appwiz.cpl and click OK. This opens the Programs and Features in the classic Control Panel.
  3. Click View installed updates link in the left side. This shows you the list of updates along with the installation date column.
    Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed - programs and features, control panel

Note: In the classic Programs and Features applet, the Servicing Stack Update (SSU) KB4470788 is listed, and the install date showing up as Dec 07, 2018. It appears that the “View update history” option in the modern Settings app and “Programs and Features” are using two different sources for finding the update history.

Method 3: Using DISM command

The built-in DISM tool can list out the installed Windows Update CBS packages. Follow these steps:

  1. Open an administrator Command Prompt window.
  2. Type the following command and press ENTER:
    Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed

    dism /online /get-packages | clip

    The output is redirected to clipboard (using | clip operator).

  3. Open Notepad and paste the contents from clipboard (Ctrl + V)
  4. Use the Find option in Notepad to check if the update KB4470788 is installed.
    dism Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed
    Note: The update Install Time shown by DISM may be in GMT.

Method 4: Run the KB update installer (.msu) file again.

Running the KB setup .msu again will tell you if the update has been already installed. Here is how to obtain the standalone installer from Microsoft Update Catalog and run the .msu setup file. Note that this method works for Windows update standalone installers .msu only. That is, this method doesn’t apply if you have the .cab version.

  1. Visit the Windows Update Catalog
  2. Download the update package (.msu) by mentioning the KB number.
  3. Double-click the .msu file to run the setup. The Windows Update Standalone Installer (WUSA) searches for updates on your computer and determines if the update is already installed or not.
    Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed
    If it’s already installed, it shows the message saying “(KBnnnnnn) is already installed on this computer.”

Method 5: Using WinUpdatesList or WinUpdatesView utility from NirSoft

The WinUpdatesList utility (wul.exe) from Nirsoft displays the list of all Windows updates, including Service Packs and Hotfixes installed on your local computer. You can copy the list of updates to the clipboard, or save it to text/HTML/XML file in a single click. The following fields are shown for each update listed. We’ve covered WinUpdatesList in the article How to Print Your Windows Update History By Exporting to Text or HTML File?.

Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed winupdateslist

Note: The WinUpdatesList utility, however, did not list the Servicing Stack Update KB4470788 on my computer. Hope this tool works well in your case.

Note: WinUpdatesList tool is very old and it’s not updated anymore. There is a new tool named WinUpdatesView that replaces WinUpdatesList.

WinUpdatesView (Windows Updates History Viewer)

WinUpdatesView is a simple tool from Nirsoft that displays the history of Windows updates on your system. WinUpdatesView can load the Windows updates history from your local system, using API, and it can also read and parse the Windows updates database file (DataStore.edb) from an external drive or from a remote computer on your network.

WinUpdatesView - Windows Updates History Viewer

Method 6: Using WMI command-line

From an admin Command Prompt, run:

wmic qfe list full /format:table

Check if a Windows Update KB is Installed

It shows the list of updates installed along with the date of installation and other details.

Or Export to HTML file, using this syntax:

wmic qfe list full /format:htable >D:\hotfixes.htm

Or to list a specific update, run:

wmic qfe list full /format:table | findstr /i "4470788"

Alternately, you can run the command Get-Hotfix from a PowerShell window to get the same results.

You can sort the table by the InstalledOn column in descending order by running this command:

Get-HotFix | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending

PowerShell’s Get-HotFix cmdlet also uses the WMI’s Win32_QuickFixEngineering (QFE) class as the WMIC CLI tool above. The output is exactly the same.

To list all KB updates including Operating System, Office, and app updates, use the PowerShell script mentioned at the end of the article How to Print Your Windows Update History By Exporting to Text or HTML File

The systeminfo command from a Command Prompt window also lists the hotfixes installed. It again uses the WMI QFE class to query the list of hotfixes.

Method 7: Check the Windows Update CBS Registry Entries

For each update installed, a corresponding Component Based Servicing package registry entry is created. Using the Registry Editor, you can check whether a Windows update has been installed on your computer.

  1. Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Go to the following registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages
  3. Use the Find option under the Edit menu, and search for the key having the text 4470788 (to find KB4470788 related entries.)

    If the key exists, you’re taken to the branch. In my case, as the update was already installed, the Find option led me to this key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_1_for_KB4470788~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~17763.164.1.1
  4. In the right-pane, check the value data for “CurrentState”. If the value data reads 0x00000070 (112), it means that the update was successfully installed.
    package currentstate cbs windows update status

    Here is the list of possible CurrentState registry values and their meaning:

    Applicable/Current StateHexDec
    Uninstall Pending0x55
    Install Pending0x6096
    Partially Installed0x65101

    Source: CBS Servicing States Chart – Refresher – Tip of the Day

    tips bulb icon

    Determine the install date & time of an update using registry

    Each CBS Package key has two values namely InstallTimeLow & InstallTimeHigh. These keys, when decoded will show you the date and time the update was installed. However, we have a shortcut way to find the exact installation date and time the update was installed on your computer.

    The trick is to export the Package branch to a .txt file (instead of .reg format) and read the timestamp mentioned in the file. We’ll find the installation date and time of update KB4470788 in this example.

    1. In the Registry Editor, select the following (KB4470788) key:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_1_for_KB4470788~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~17763.164.1.1
    2. Right-click on the package key and click Export.
    3. In this example, we’ll export the Package_1_for_KB4470788~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~17763.164.1.1 branch.
    4. In the Save as type: choose “Text files (*.txt)”.
    5. Give a name for the exported file and click Save.
    6. Open the .txt file and see the “Last Write Time:” data.
      last write time - windows update installation date and time - cbs

      The last write time denotes the date and time the registry entry was created.

    As you can see, the last write time in this example matches with the date and time we determined in Method 2 using “Programs and Features”.
    windows update kb installation date and time control panel

That’s it! Hope this article helped you check if a specific Windows Update (KBnnnnnn) has been applied to your system or not.

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Ramesh Srinivasan is passionate about Microsoft technologies and he has been a consecutive ten-time recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in the Windows Shell/Desktop Experience category, from 2003 to 2012. He loves to troubleshoot and write about Windows. Ramesh founded in 2005.

3 thoughts on “How to Check if a Windows Update (KB) is Installed on your Computer?”

  1. Today is Monday May 4 2020
    Thank you Ramesh Srinivasan for such a wonderfully detailed Windows Update Cataloged installed KB events on windows OS .
    Mine is OS 8.1.

    I always used my Windows “Installed Updates” “Review Your Installed Updates”
    window requests, however a specific request windows was missing in the window updates OS 8.1 manager. “Search for An Installed Update. All I had to do was put in the KB, this one I am looking for is the Cumulative OS8.1 KB2919355
    If the search for a single update window was there, all I would have had to do is put in the KB and it would be searched , singled out and displayed if installed.
    Then I would have never found your marvelous Windows Update Article on how to check if a Windows Update is installed.
    An “end User” I am, I love entering those CMD’s in the Administrator CMD, and Powershell commands.

    Thank you for an easy to understand white paper on it , fit for any End User to Proficient Cheers on that.

  2. OK, in the event that a KB is re-released in the same month, how can you tell by reviewing which “version” of the KB (probably by internal date) is installed?

  3. Hi Ramesh,

    We are facing issue with Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter server we are unable to install the windows updates through check for updates. when we are tried to install the download patch from catalog getting an error “The Update is not applicable to your computer”. we are not able to see any update hostory as mentioned above except the Registry path.the last installed update is june_2021 patch. We also unable to install the latest SSU.


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