Fix for Windows Installer errors 2738 and 2739

vbscript and jscript error 2738 and 2739

When you try to install a program using Windows Installer (.msi) Setup package, you may encounter error 2738 or 2739 and the setup fails.

Errors 2738, 2739 occur if the Windows Installer Setup uses Windows Script (.vbs or .js) custom actions, and the VBScript or JScript runtimes are not registered in the computer.

Error code Description
2738 Could not access VBScript run time for custom action
2739 Could not access JScript run time for custom action

As said earlier, the above errors occur if the installer fails to run JScript/VBScripts as the VBScript/JScript engines are not working properly. The most likely cause is anti-virus software hooking into the script engine in order to block the execution of scripts.

For instance, McAfee anti-virus software replaces the vbscript.dll reference in the registry to their DLL (the version number suffix varies) below:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\ScriptSn.20110222204811.dll

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