Process Monitor “Unable to write PROCMON23.SYS” Enabling Boot Logging

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It can also trace the entire boot process and save to a PML log file. When enabling the setting “Enable Boot Logging” from the Options menu in Process Monitor, the following error may pop up:

Track Process Creation and Exit Time Using Process Monitor

Summary: This post tells you how to track process creation and exit events using the Process Monitor utility. My previous post, List Running Processes, helps you track down currently running processes. And the article Command Prompt Opens and Closes immediately tells you if a last run program window was a scheduled task or not.

How to Track “Access Denied” Registry and File Events Using Process Monitor

A well-written application does proper error handling, notifying the user in detail about the error it countered and how to go about fixing it, rather than failing silently or throwing up an obscure error code and quitting. This post tells you how to trace "Access Denied" events for file and registry activities occurring in the … Read more

Using Process Monitor to Track Registry and File System Changes

Process Monitor is an excellent troubleshooting tool from Windows Sysinternals that displays the files and registry keys that applications access in real-time. The results can be saved to a log file, which you can send to an expert for analyzing a problem and troubleshooting it. This article tells you how to use Process Monitor to … Read more

How to Use Resource Monitor to Find Which Process Has Locked a File

Many folks use Process Explorer from Windows Sysinternals to gather information about running processes and their open handles. In addition, there is an excellent but less familiar utility in-built with Windows 7 and higher (including Windows 10/11). The built-in utility is Resource Monitor, which provides complete details of running processes, their associated handles, and associated … Read more