KB5034441 Update error 0x80070643

KB5034441 error

On many Windows 10 systems, the update KB5034441 (Windows Recovery Environment update for Windows 10 21H2 and 22H2) failed with the error code 0x80070643. 0x80070643 (“ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE”) is a generic error code which means “Fatal error during installation.” The DISM log may show the following entries: [16088] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at C:\$WinREAgent\Scratch\update.wim. [15624] Received unmount request … Read more

Fix for Windows Update Error 0x800F0922 in Windows 10/11

quality update 0x800f0922

When installing an update, especially a Cumulative Update or .NET Framework package in your Windows 10 or 11 computer, the update installation may fail with an error code 0x800F0922 (“CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED“) or 0xc1900104 or the error message “Something didn’t go as planned”.Read more

Error 0xc1900201 When Updating to Windows 11 24H2

Error 0xc1900201 When Updating to Windows 11 24H2 - system reserved partition error

When you attempt to upgrade to the latest feature update (e.g., Windows 11 24H2). the following error may occur:

This PC doesn't currently meet Windows 11 system requirements.

We couldn't update system reserved partition.

The error code 0xc1900201 – 0x40008 or 0xc1900200 – 0x20008 will be logged in the setupact.log.Read more

How to Move a VirtualBox VM to another location

oracle vm error file not found

After you move a VirtualBox VM to another folder or drive using File Explorer, the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager fails to detect the new location and thus can’t load the VM. The following error message occurs when you load a VM after moving the corresponding VM folder or the .nvram, .vbox, .vbox-prev, and the .vdi file to another location.Read more